Welcome to Budget Yangu: Your Ultimate Financial Companion

At Budget Yangu, we understand the importance of managing your finances effectively. Whether you're saving for a dream vacation, planning for a major purchase, or just want to gain control over your spending, Budget Yangu is here to help.

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About Budget Yangu

Why Budget Yangu? Simplified Finances: Our user-friendly interface makes budgeting easy for everyone, from beginners to financial gurus. Smart Spending: Track your expenses effortlessly and make informed decisions about your money. Real-Time Updates: Stay on top of your financial goals with instant updates on your spending habits.

Smart Shopping

Plan Your Purchases, Save Your Money

At Budget Yangu, we believe that smart shopping starts with planning. Our integrated shopping list feature allows you to stay organized and avoid impulse purchases.

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Turn your dreams into achievable targets with our savings goals feature

- **Custom Goals:** Whether it's a vacation, a new gadget, or an emergency fund, customize your savings goals to fit your aspirations.
- **Progress Tracking:** Watch your progress in real-time and celebrate milestones as you get closer to your financial objectives.
- **Automatic Contributions:** Link your goals to your budget, and let Budget Yangu automatically allocate funds to help you reach your targets faster.

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Powoerful Features As Always

Expense Tracking

Easily record and categorize your daily expenses. See where your money is going at a glance.

Income Management

Keep track of your various sources of income, including salary, freelance work, and any other sources

Budget Creation

Set monthly or weekly budgets for different spending categories like groceries, entertainment, rent, and more

Bill Reminders

Never miss a bill payment again! Budget Yangu will remind you about upcoming bills and due dates.

Saving Goals

Define your savings goals and track your progress. Whether it's a vacation, a new gadget, or an emergency fund, we'll help you get there

Reports and Insights

Get clear and easy-to-understand visualizations of your spending habits. Understand where you can make improvements.

Your Financial Navigators

Achieve Financial Wellness with Budget Yangu

Budget Yangu is not just an app; it's your financial companion on the road to success. Join us today and embark on a journey towards financial freedom and peace of mind!

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Expense Tracking

Easily record and categorize your daily expenses. See where your money is going at a glance.

Income Management

Keep track of your various sources of income, including salary, freelance work, and any other sources

Budget Creation

Set monthly or weekly budgets for different spending categories like groceries, entertainment, rent, and more

Download Budget Yangu

Your Budget at your fingertips.

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Pricing Plan

Our Awesome Pricing Plan


Ads Removal Backup & Data Sync
Ksh 200 30 Days


Ads Removal Backup & Data Sync
Ksh 550 90 Days

Semi Annual

Ads Removal Backup & Data Sync
Ksh 1100 180 Days


Ads Removal Backup & Data Sync
Ksh 2000 365 Days

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is budgeting important for financial stability?

Budgeting helps you allocate your income effectively, prioritize expenses, and avoid overspending. It ensures that you save money, reduce debt, and build a financial cushion, contributing to long-term stability.

How can I create a budget?

Start by listing your income and categorizing your expenses (fixed and variable). Set realistic spending limits, prioritize essential needs, and allocate funds to savings and debt repayment. Regularly review and adjust your budget as needed.

What are some common budgeting mistakes to avoid?

Common mistakes include underestimating expenses, neglecting an emergency fund, not tracking spending, and being too rigid. It's crucial to be realistic, flexible, and consistently monitor your financial habits.

How can I save money effectively?

Establish specific savings goals, automate transfers to a savings account, cut unnecessary expenses, and take advantage of budgeting apps or tools. Prioritize saving for emergencies, retirement, and short-term goals.

What is an emergency fund, and why do I need one?

An emergency fund is a savings buffer set aside for unexpected expenses like medical bills or car repairs. It provides financial security and prevents you from relying on credit cards or loans during emergencies, contributing to overall stability.

How do I handle debt within my budget?

Allocate a portion of your budget to debt repayment, focusing on high-interest debts first. Consider debt consolidation or negotiation with creditors. It's essential to avoid accumulating more debt and make consistent payments.